Warped Nostalgia 采样包

时间 2019-11-06 06:46
<p>Inspired by the instruments of Megabit’s past, ‘Warped Nostalgia’ aims to be a window into many a musician's first explorations of music making. Using some long forgotten and neglected toy synths, a rusty keyboard or two, and sampling many an old and dusty drum; all recovered from dingy attics and dusty cupboards. This presine collection of sounds has been processed through a wide variety of vintage, tape and other gear, reflecting the ‘warping’ of memories over time.</p> <p>Whether it be a toy piano, an electric reed organ, your first synth/keyboard, or a battered old studio drum kit, this pack should help bring you back to a simpler time and help you in your music making endeavours. </p> <p>Note: Some loops are in time signatures other than 4/4. In these cases the time signature is shown just after the bpm and is written 3-4 for a 3/4 loop, for example. </p>
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